My son Rick had been taking pictures of the nutcrackers for me since Thanksgiving, I was really all hyped up to create a nutcracker tablescape. I had visions of a parade of nutcrackers displayed across our holiday table....
My Daughter in Law and I started by placing the MDF boards that the Home Depot had cut to size for me (two 24" x x72") side by side on the dining room table to make a 48" by 72" surface. The actual tabletop size is 38" x 66" and the tablecloth is made for a 48" x 72" table, the boards allowed a little more room for the nut crackers and a perfect fit for the tablecloth.
The nutcracker wine glasses were a Home Goods Store find, the price was not bad at all. I thought they were really cute.
The crystal nutcracker candle holders were collected over many years. The first one was bought about fifteen years or so ago at Marc's for under two dollars. The rest were bought at thrift stores except for one that I bought off of Ebay (and yes the shipping cost more than the candle holder).
The salad plates came from the World Market around Thanksgiving. I saw that they are half price now on their web site.
The White Holly dinner plates were bought from the Pfaltzgraff site on Ebay. They are a very white color with a slight grey blue tinge. I probably would not have bought them if I had seen them first. I really like a warmer tone to a white plate.
The tablecloth depicts the characters of the Nutcracker Ballet Story. It is very colorful and has clean crisp graphics.

Have a happy and safe New Year.
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